Asiakasesittely - Iinan Kristallipuoti ja Hoitola
Sain asiakkaakseni ihanan Iinan Kristallipuodin ja hoitolan. Kristallipuoti avattiin elokuun alussa ja ensimmäisellä viikolla ohi ajaessani sain idean tarjota Iinalle graafisen ja kuvauksen palveluitani.
Iinan Kristallipuodin yhteystiedot löytää facebookista, instagramista ja verkkokaupasta. |
Examples for good food photography | |
"Consider purchasing a sheet, board, or other large, flat item that you can easily manipulate to control how your image looks. I use 4 main backgrounds with my photos, 3 wooden crates with different stains (dark brown, white, greyish-green), and cutting board. Before I had them, though, I used my kitchen table and manipulated how it looked by throwing different textures and fabrics over it. I’d use butcher paper, parchment paper, baking sheets, place mats, and anything else that might work to enhance the colors in my shot and also to add texture and interest to the shot." |
Good composition comes from:
1. Rule of Thirds
2. Numbers - "Odd numbers often create a better composition. So three (cups/plates) generally make a better composition /photo than two."
3. Lines
4. Negative space - "A photo is much more realistic, pleasant to look at and tells more of a story if I back up a bit and create some negative space in a picture."
5. Storytelling
6. The rule that really is a rule - "The viewer should feel an emotion without noticing what the photographer was thinking or trying to achieve while shooting the photo, because then the focus on the food is taken away." | |
torstai 3. syyskuuta 2020
Kuvaajan ja asiakkaan väliset sopimukset
- sommittelu
- valaistus - valo ja varjo
- ilmaisu
- asento
- tarina ja viesti
Besides 3:2 aspect ratio, there are other ratios that are gaining popularity like 4:3, 1:1 and 16:9. They all have their own uses. Some are more popular on social media. Others fit better on modern day monitors when viewed in full screen." -
Kolmanneksen sääntö - Rule of third
"For Landscapes, don’t place the horizon at the 50% mark, instead opt for the 1/3 and 2/3 marks, respectively.
For example, if you are photographing a water scene, get 1/3rd water and 2/3rds sky. Or vice versa, as this will depend on where the interest lies." -
Kuvan horisonttiviiva ensimmäisen kolmanneksen kohdalla. |
Etsimme tunnilla kuvia, joista löytyisi kolmanneksen sääntö. |
Susanna Vennon blogipostauksessa hapankaalista, löytyi kuvasta kolmanneksen sääntö. | | Susanna Vento ja Uutuksia Matrilta |
Kultainen leikkaus - Golden ratio
Fibonaccin lukusarja 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13...
Katkaistu kompositio - Tiukka rajaus